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 Problem, sample format, please help
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Location: New Zealand

Posts: 5

Post Posted - Wed Jul 23, 2003 2:00 pm 

In the past when I have sent a music file to cool edit 2000 in order to alter it, the music has started playing in cool edit with no further input from me.

BUT, last week I sent a music file to the program and instead of it playing a box came up on the screen which says
"Interpret sample foramt as" highlighted here is 44100, stereo and 16 bit

I have clicked ok, then another box comes up
"raw data (no header), data formatted as 16 bit Intel PCM (LSB,MSB),
the offset input data in 'ticked' as 0

I click Ok on that and then it just comes across as static - no music.

It is as if the gremlins have attacked my program. Please help, I am not very computer literate but I can do wonderful things with Cool edit.
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Location: Australia

Posts: 434

Post Posted - Wed Jul 23, 2003 2:45 pm 

BUT, last week I sent a music file to the program

What type of file was it? What extension does the filename have? Can you see the file in a Windows Explorer window, and if so, can you see the extension?

Either the file type as defined by the extension is one that Cool Edit doesn't recognize or the file itself has been corrupted.

It's quite possible that you have done something to change the extension or even add an extra one.


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Location: New Zealand

Posts: 5

Post Posted - Wed Jul 23, 2003 3:08 pm 

The file was in a 'my music' file, which was one I had previously altered. I tried several of these files. In the past this has worked. I also attempted to send a song straight from CD - but the same thing happens - I even re installed the cool edit from a disk which I saved when I purchased the program. The same thing comes up !

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Location: USA

Posts: 2887

Post Posted - Wed Jul 23, 2003 3:22 pm 

Assuming you're working with a WAV file, here are some things you'd be best knowing about the file (you'll have to remember): number of channels (stereo or mono); sample rate; bit depth.
Then you need to open the file as a RAW data file and tell CE what properties it has. A RAW file is that very same file without header information, which contains the above information required if you want anything other than static.
If you really can't remember, you'll have to guess, over and over again until you find the right match. Just be sure you don't save anything until you have the right combo.

Answer = 1. Probably.
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Location: Australia

Posts: 434

Post Posted - Wed Jul 23, 2003 4:00 pm 

The file was in a 'my music' file, which was one I had previously altered. I tried several of these files. In the past this has worked. I also attempted to send a song straight from CD - but the same thing happens - I even re installed the cool edit from a disk which I saved when I purchased the program. The same thing comes up !

OK, but do see if you can tell us about the extension. Your "my music" description actually doesn't help us at all. Also, can you describe the exact steps involved when you "have sent a music file to cool edit 2000".


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Location: New Zealand

Posts: 5

Post Posted - Wed Jul 23, 2003 4:32 pm 

Okay, I use music match
File location - then send file to cool edit
Normally it just goes and plays - then I can do what I wish with it

Now there are pop ups asking me questions which has happened before

I haven't changed anything
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Location: United Kingdom

Posts: 6695

Post Posted - Wed Jul 23, 2003 4:49 pm 

Tip_toes wrote:
Okay, I use music match
File location - then send file to cool edit
Normally it just goes and plays - then I can do what I wish with it

Now there are pop ups asking me questions which has happened before

I haven't changed anything

No, like Alan says, this is no help at all. For a start you don't 'send' files anywhere - you open them with an application. CE only opens them because it has what is known as an 'association' with the particular file type that you are trying to open. But unless we know the specific details of this - the three alphnumeric characters after the dot in the file name - we can't do a thing. It sounds as though you may have to turn this info on in your machine - but first, just try holding the mouse over the file to display the whole of its name. If it doesn't show all of it, the machine is set not to display known file types - and you will have to fix it so that it does, I'm afraid. This is a sub-menu choice in View>Folder Options>View.

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Location: USA

Posts: 455

Post Posted - Wed Jul 23, 2003 11:23 pm 

The file was in a 'my music' file, which was one I had previously altered. -Tip_toes
What tool did you use to "alter" this file? Perhaps it got saved into a format different from what you expect: I seem to recall Cooledit remembers whatever the last format was, and that becomes the default, so if you were messing around and changed the File Type, you may have inadvertently saved into something weird.

For a start you don't 'send' files anywhere - you open them with an application. -SteveG
Steve, Tip must be referring to this sequence: open some folder (e.g. "My Music") containing a wav file, right-click on the file, choose "Send To...", after which somehow he must have Cooledit in his dropdown choices there (though I don't). But you're right, Windows isn't really "sending" a file, it's opening it. Windows introduced "Send To" options throughout itself several versions back, probably in W95, to try to impart some sort of commonness or seamlessness to the user interface. Personally I never use "Send To" since it always sounds like email to me, but some folks might have use for it.

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Location: New Zealand

Posts: 5

Post Posted - Sat Jul 26, 2003 1:20 pm 

Steve - do you mean like
Dancin Dan.mp3 or
Sugar Plum Fairy.mp3?
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Location: New Zealand

Posts: 5

Post Posted - Sun Jul 27, 2003 2:21 am 

I have removed Cool Edit completely from my conputer and then re installed it. It works now !!!!!! Thanks guys for your consideration and help.
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