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 Reducing louder dB spikes in CE2000 waveform
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Location: USA

Posts: 577

Post Posted - Fri Dec 22, 2000 9:06 am 

In copying non-studio produced music (what it is is fairly well recorded church services with good music) from tapes, the average dB level I get might be around -10, but I get many spikes of the louder voices or instruments that go to around -1 to -3. Is there an easy way to tell CE2000 to look for parts of the waveform in the -1 to -3 range and reduce them by, say 6 dB, all at once? I've been editing them all individually and it gets to be pretty tedious and time consuming. Thanks anyone.

Edited by - Cal on 12/22/2000 09:09:03 AM


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Syntrillium M.D.

Location: USA

Posts: 5124

Post Posted - Fri Dec 22, 2000 3:04 pm 

Hi Cal. The best thing for you to do would be to try using one of the Compressor/Limiter presets to even out the dynamics of your file. From within Cool Edit, go to Transform>Amplitude>Dynamics Processing and try one of the first two presets, 2:1 Compressor <20dB, 3:1 Compressor <10dB. These just might do the trick. You may also audition some of the other presets or create your own...You may try employing a slightly larger compression ratio if you are actually trying to squeeze the peaks down by 6dB.

---Syntrillium Support


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