The 1176se consists of a card attached to the motherboard. It's a great outfit.
I found the problem! This may be of importance to anyone using a Presonus fp10 or older firepod: if you are using version 2.44 of these interfaces they should be updated to version 2.46. This was the solution for me. This also may be relative to any of us using a newer pc in relation to older software. It seems like a good idea to keep updated on all applications. Thanks regardless, Gr.
Hmmm.... I agree with Graeme, and he was obviously quite correct in fingering your sound device! Your sound device is the Presonus, not the 1176se, which is a plugin for the UAD-1 or 2 DSP card.
And if the Audition transport fails, it's almost inevitably your sound device that will cause this, because it relies completely on sound device driver feedback to run.