Title: CE/AA lessons in video format. Post by: Radiokenny on November 11, 2003, 01:16:58 AM
Hello everyone. I'm taking the CE/AA lessons to the next level. They are going to the video format. They are looking good and in production. Here are 2 basic samples of the lessons. I am going to start out simple and then move to more complex lessons?. like covering the younglove decrackle technique. Do you have any suggestions on topics you would like me to cover? The videos should be available in high and low quality downloads for people with dial up connections. Just a primer to the lessons: http://audiomastersforum.net/lessons/setuplesson.avi Lesson 1: http://audiomastersforum.net/lessons/lesson1.avi You may need to download the following codec to see the lessons. . http://www.getafile.com/cgi-bin/merlot/get/techsmith/TSCC.exe Thanks, radiokenny :lol: Title: CE/AA lessons in video format. Post by: William Rose on November 11, 2003, 05:26:04 AM
I don't know if you're inviting critique of the lessons, or just looking for topics to cover, but I'm going to do the former....... Plan ahead. Write a script and stick to it. The "live" stream of consciousness approach is....well, awful. But it looks great ! :D (BTW, I didn't watch the whole thing. I couldn't) :shock: Title: CE/AA lessons in video format. Post by: Cal on November 11, 2003, 02:27:08 PM
I'm not at all comprehending what William is getting at... :roll: :roll: The stated purpose of Lesson 1 was accomplished. There was no deviation from the step-by-step process required for a new user to get sound into the software and on the screen at a selected rate and resolution. Showing the Windows mixer was a succint visual answer to so many forum questions about "Why can't I hear any sound in ....", which is probably second only to "How do I remove...". Keep chuggin, Radiokenny. Doin' fine. :wink: Title: CE/AA lessons in video format. Post by: Radiokenny on November 11, 2003, 03:39:43 PM
Thanks for the feedback guys. I have 10 lessons in production this week and hoping to finish 10 more next week. I think that the video lessons will be a great training tool for businesses and bring many new members to our forums. I know that no other website will surpass us in searchable knowledge. With the synt forum and video tutorials we will be king of the hill. :lol:
Title: CE/AA lessons in video format. Post by: Radiokenny on November 17, 2003, 07:04:40 PM
This week I should be releasing Adobe Audition and Cool Edit 2.? basic lessons in video format. The lessons are free for everyone to download. These are great for teaching yourself or new employees CE/AA. Become a member of the forums to receive notification when the new lessons are released. The lessons should be available in a compressed format for dial-up users at a later time. The CE/AA Basic Course #1 will include 8 lessons for cool edit 2.0, 2.1 and adobe audition 1.0. The lessons will be available in the .avi video format. The lessons will cover. 1. Setting up your computer for future lessons 2. Adjusting recording levels and recording into CE/AA. 3. Opening files with CE/AA. 4. How to Highlight and adjust boundaries. 5. Using the Transport display functions. 6. Normalizing the amplitude of a waveform. 7. Changing Amplitude with the amplify presets. 8. Using Amplitude envelopes. Title: CE/AA lessons in video format. Post by: VoodooRadio on November 17, 2003, 10:17:19 PM
Another great job Kenny!!! You should start charging for your efforts and stop giving them away for free. :wink: Title: CE/AA lessons in video format. Post by: Radiokenny on November 18, 2003, 05:22:47 AM
The 1st course is avaliable at http://www.audiomasters.org :lol: 8 more lessons in course #2 of CE/AA are in production. Remember.... course #2 may only be avaliable to forum members. So.... Sign up today!!! :lol: It's free. :lol: Title: CE/AA lessons in video format. Post by: Radiokenny on November 18, 2003, 03:57:43 PM
New update!!!! The first course of my Cool Edit 2000 lessons will be released this week. This course will also include 8 lessons. The audio was produced by ILM productions in dallas. They sound great. Thanks to ILM for dontaing the time and talent for the lessons. :lol:
Title: CE/AA lessons in video format. Post by: DeluXMan on December 05, 2003, 11:39:23 PM
Will you be doing one on the multitrack latency setting. That's a good one. A lot of people anrn't getting that set properly. :P Keep up this great work!
Title: Any news of the second course ? Post by: on January 02, 2004, 09:47:11 PM
Any news on part 2? :D
Title: CE/AA lessons in video format. Post by: Radiokenny on January 02, 2004, 11:54:54 PM
Ii is almost finished. Christmas and New Years has stalled the project. I also lost a few lessons because my computer crashed at work. The will be released soon. :o
Title: CE/AA lessons in video format. Post by: VoodooRadio on January 03, 2004, 12:21:53 AM
Cool, I definitely look forward to seeing them. As always, great job Kenny. But start charging a tariff. :wink: Title: CE/AA lessons in video format. Post by: on January 20, 2004, 05:00:51 PM
any news on the most anticipated software tutorials this year so far ? :D
Title: CE/AA lessons in video format. Post by: binarystudios on April 30, 2004, 03:38:38 PM
Title: CE/AA lessons in video format. Post by: Shady on October 05, 2004, 10:00:19 PM
Is this still an ongoing project, or could this sticky just as well be deleted, because nobody talks about those video tutorials anymore anyway? :?
Title: CE/AA lessons in video format. Post by: zemlin on October 05, 2004, 10:18:00 PM
It may not be ongoing, but the lessons are still there and valuable to noobs - It seems worthwhile to leave this as a sticky as long as there may be folks to need a little kick start on the basics.
Title: CE/AA lessons in video format. Post by: iMediaTouch_Guy on October 05, 2004, 11:16:28 PM
RadioKenny, I was wondering where you were.... Now I understand why I haven't heard from you on my demo and that's fine. :) Title: CE/AA lessons in video format. Post by: VoodooRadio on October 06, 2004, 12:59:57 PM
zemlin Posted: Agreed! It also gives us a thread to point the Noobs to when they inquire.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It seems worthwhile to leave this as a sticky as long as there may be folks to need a little kick start on the basics. :wink: Title: Video tutorials deleted (?) Post by: Shady on October 08, 2004, 06:09:23 PM
Sorry, but I don't agree. 8) According to me there are no folks who need a little kick start on the basics of Cool Edit Pro. The basics of Cool Edit Pro are called "Cool Edit 2000," and the most elementary basics of Cool Edit 2000 were already called "Sound Recorder (http://www.computerhope.com/software/soundrec.htm)" in the early 1990s, so people who still need whole instruction videos to learn how to adjust the recording volume mixer and how to open a file simply shouldn't be using Cool Edit Pro. I wouldn't stop anybody from trying to use Cool Edit Pro or Adobe Audition without any prior knowledge of digital audio editing on the PC, but I wouldn't make whole video tutorials for that category of wannabe Cool Edit Pro users either. The point is that I just don't believe that people who don't even know how to open a file yet are capable of finding the web site (http://www.audiomasters.org/), downloading and installing the necessary TSCC codec (http://www.getafile.com/cgi-bin/merlot/get/techsmith/TSCC.exe), and watching those AVI files that can't even be streamed from the web page. That is why I simply say that there are no folks who need a little kick start on the basics of Cool Edit Pro, because even if such people exist, they probably won't find their way to those video tutorials anyway. It's an interesting project, but I think that it would be more interesting for the people on this forum if the tutorials for Cool Edit Pro (and Adobe Audition) would start at a "Pro" level, instead of covering basic Windows skills like opening a file. But then again, I'm not so sure if serious Cool Edit Pro users really need whole instruction videos for things that could just as easily be explained in a few lines of written text with one or two images, so I would use that "video tutorial" concept for a funny "digital audio for dummies" tutorial. Frankly I think that the main purpose of such "video tutorials" should not really be to teach anybody anything, but just to entertain a few people with some impresive images. Looking at instruction videos and following lectures is boring, so I would just try to make a funny demonstration or some kind of television commercial to show people all the wonderful things that are possible with Cool Edit Pro and Adobe Audition. I would probably use some sound effects in that video too, because what I missed in those eight video tutorials were audio samples of the things that were being demonstrated, and I thought that that made the tutorials a little bit dry and theoretical. For instance, it's nice to use the sound track for remarks like "notice now how the selected part of the waveform now has a zig-zag shape to the amplitude" — say what? — but it's a video of 800 x 600 pixels, so most people will see that zig-zag shape anyway. Instead of telling people to notice that shape, I would just play that selected piece of audio to demonstrate how that "zig-zag shape to the amplitude" sounds... I could go further with this evaluation, but I just noticed that the video clips seem to have been removed from the site, so I don't know if that is still relevant... Title: CE/AA lessons in video format. Post by: Radiokenny on October 09, 2004, 04:12:27 AM
The video lesson haven't been linked to the new server. I plan to link and leave the old lessons and add more. I think that they are helpful to very new people. I have more lessons finished but dont' plan to add them all until all 10 new lessons are finished. I know that the project has been put on hold and I seem to be in and out of the forums at times. I have a family member in my house that is currently getting a daily chemo treatments for cancer and it has cut my time in the forums. I'm sorry if i seem to be ignoring people at times. I promise to finish helping you AudioVAULT_Guy :lol: Look for me on MSN messanger monday. Sorry that I left people in the dark but, I didn't feel the need to post my personal problems in the forums. I want to also thank all of the staff for taking up my slack over the last 4 months. :D Also....Thanks to all of the members of AM. You are what make us great!! Thanks, radiokenny P.S. I can't get rid of the lessons.... It's why I'm world famous!!!! :wink: Title: CE/AA lessons in video format. Post by: Shady on October 11, 2004, 12:27:38 PM
Kenny, you obviously have other things on your mind right now than those video tutorials, but if you intend to keep the first eight lessons and to add even more, I would advise you to compress the audio tracks first. The total file size of the first eight lessons is 44 MB now, but less than 7.5 MB of that amount is used by the video, so the remaining 36.5 MB is used by all that uncompressed PCM audio. Just converting the audio to 32 kbps MP3 would already reduce the file size from 44 MB to 11 MB. That would save at least 32 MB of disk space on the web server, and, more importantly, reduce the download time with more that 75%. VirtualDub (http://www.virtualdub.org/) is a good (and free) video utility for this kind of conversion work. You might also want to use it to recompress the video with a codec that most Windows users already have, instead using that TSCC codec (http://www.getafile.com/cgi-bin/merlot/get/techsmith/TSCC.exe) that can basically only be used to decompress Camtasia Studio (http://www.techsmith.com/products/studio/default.asp) videos. (The codec can't be used to compress video unless you also install and register the Camtasia Studio software, which costs $299.) However, instead of recompressing the audio and the video, it might be better to convert those AVI files to some streaming video format (http://www.techsmith.com/products/studio/tour/publish.asp) right away, because AVI files are not very suitable for streaming from a web site. When I tried to play the tutorials by just clicking on the links on the web page, the Windows Media Player only played the first 30 to 45 seconds of each clip, so I couldn't play them without first downloading them. This could be just a problem on my old PC, but the little remark "BTW, I didn't watch the whole thing. I couldn't" that somebody posted exactly a year ago could be an indication that more people already had this problem from the very beginning. Using some streaming video format would solve several problems at the same time. René Title: CE/AA lessons in video format. Post by: MusicConductor on October 12, 2004, 06:51:32 PM
Since Audition is a PC-only product, what would be the loss in converting the videos into Windows Media 9 clips? The encoder is free and the range of encode options pretty nice. And yes, I love VirtualDub. One of the best free tools known to humanity. Title: CE/AA lessons in video format. Post by: Radiokenny on January 23, 2005, 05:07:28 AM
Just a note to everyone. The video lessons are avaliable again at audiomasters.org.
Title: CE/AA lessons in video format. Post by: MusicConductor on January 24, 2005, 10:43:31 PM
Thanks, Kenny! We appreciate your efforts.
Title: CE/AA lessons in video format. Post by: Mac on January 26, 2005, 09:24:34 PM
To quote something I didn't see till today.. :)
Quote from: Shady
The total file size of the first eight lessons is 44 MB now, but less than 7.5 MB of that amount is used by the video, so the remaining 36.5 MB is used by all that uncompressed PCM audio. Just converting the audio to 32 kbps MP3 would already reduce the file size from 44 MB to 11 MB. That would save at least 32 MB of disk space on the web server, and, more importantly, reduce the download time with more that 75%.
Wow, I didn't realise the files were using PCM, there is definately an appreciable saving that could be made. I would suggest going for some reasonably good quality audio, there's no need to go as low as 32kbs, as that wouldn't sound too great. About using the TSCC codec, it is nice for what Kenny is doing as it appears to be lossless (although at a low fps and bit-depth) which is ideal for screen capture, I think divx or wmv would do a pretty poor job of encoding the AA videos with their artefacting.. Title: CE/AA lessons in video format. Post by: Radiokenny on January 29, 2005, 06:27:22 PM
The new Adobe Audition 1.5 videos are released for download at http://www.audiomasters.org The videos have a new narration and music bumper to end each video. Much better quality than my first attempt in video editing. :D I uploaded the new videos in the windows media video format. The first results were a bit blurry and fairly low quality, but after some tweaking of the settings. The results were pretty good and the downloads a reasonable size. Most of them are updated lessons to the new 1.5 version.. with the addition of a background noise removal lesson added. Feedback is welcome. :D Title: CE/AA lessons in video format. Post by: rkilkenny on March 11, 2005, 10:48:03 PM
I can't seem to locate the tutorials. When I click on http://www.audiomasters.org I end up at http://audiomastersforum.net/amforum/index.php instead and, alas, no link for the tutorials. Any help would be appreciated.
Title: CE/AA lessons in video format. Post by: SteveG on March 11, 2005, 11:26:40 PM
The forum portal page is temporarily (I hope) absent. As a consequence of out recent change of ISP, it hasn't yet been replaced, but when it is, the tutorials will be back.
Title: CE/AA lessons in video format. Post by: on November 21, 2005, 10:07:38 AM
Radiokenny, if you need some help on making the tutorials better you can ask the oompa loompa's to help you. :o Just Kidding.